I Want People to Understand Why I Hate Bread

Sammy B.
3 min readApr 2, 2021

When my mom had her stroke at age 60 she wasn’t able to drive anymore.

I’ve driven her to the store over the past 10 years probably 240 times. But I also used to drop her off and pick her up, so really, that’s 480 trips to the fucking grocery store. At least!

And ya wanna know one of the main “emergency” items she always wants? Bread. Fkn bread.

I asked her many times to consider putting her bread in the freezer and she refused. How selfish and crappy is that? I mean she could have died altogether, but now, bread is soooo important.

She lived within walking distance of a store (one she didn’t like), or later had access to a community bus that drives and picks people up on a schedule and would have taken her ass to the store. But nooooo. She was always afraid, or angry or too good for it.

Some might think, well help your little, scared mother. But you know what? I have. Thousands of times.

The trouble is, I was a people pleaser. And man, did it ever backfire on me.

So look, I hate bread. I hate seeing it in the refrigerator because it’s a constant reminder that my mom has no problem treating me like her monkey no matter what despair or stress I may be under in life. But now, she really is old and needs help. Now that I know better, I’m truly trapped.

When I see her bread, I know it’s going to expire. And that reminds me that I have something to do. Something…



Sammy B.

Humorist with a little splash of cynicism. Advocate for those struggling with addiction or in recovery.